Duke Pepper Storm Tripwire Kit
Filled with our world-beating pepper powder, the units pack a serious sonic punch of approximately 110dB and a 5m pepper dispersion to each side. It also has significant hang-time of the pepper, so that it affects even the toughest assailants.
Filled with our world-beating pepper powder, the units pack a serious sonic punch of approximately 110dB and a 5m pepper dispersion to each side. It also has significant hang-time of the pepper, so that it affects even the toughest assailants.
The Duke Pepper Storm + Tripwire Kit has been proudly developed and patented in South Africa. Our intention from the start was to offer a non-lethal solution that conforms to international human rights standards*
Filled with our world-beating pepper powder, the units pack a serious sonic punch of approximately 110dB and a 5m pepper dispersion to each side. It also has significant hang-time of the pepper, so that it affects even the toughest assailants.
The Duke Pepper Storm + Tripwire Kit has a detonation time of approximately 4 seconds – not enough time for the targets to escape the pepper dispersion radius.
The Pepper Grenades are drop- safe with the safety pin and military grade pressure spring preventing any accidental detonations. We have put the grenades through a rigorous testing process to ensure total safety for the carrier, thrower, as well as the intended target.
Our grenades contain no harmful chemicals, no primers, and no thermal reactions, so there is no fire or explosive hazard, which makes it intrinsically safe. Upon detonation, there is no shrapnel released, only the pepper is dispersed.